Empowering Beauty: Learning from the LatinX Way

Univision, a leader in LatinX consumers across various categories, sought to deepen its understanding of the LatinX beauty consumer. The goal was to uncover how LatinX women approach beauty regimens and buying decisions, and how these behaviors differ from non-LatinX women. Univision needed a strategic partner to design a research initiative that would capture these insights creatively and effectively.


Understanding the role of beauty in the lives of LatinX women is one that is rooted in history, heritage and tradition. These factors all very much drive the decisions LatinX women make around beauty routines and products. In order to understand these deeply rooted attitudes and behaviors, Vital Findings crafted methods that put the idea of heritage and tradition at the forefront. We carefully crafted a visually engaging questionnaire in order to grab those emotional sentiments in the beauty category. Qualitatively we leaned into that heritage again with friendship and family make-up parties to capture the stories, the lessons and the emotion that is very much entrenched in every decision made with regards to beauty and make-up products. These subtle elements in research design became critical in our storytelling to potential Univision advertisers.


The research positioned Univision as the authority on the LatinX beauty consumer’s mindset. Univision successfully increased the number of beauty category advertisers by demonstrating that LatinX women were not only watching Univision but also seeking beauty brand and trend guidance from the channel. This strategic insight solidified Univision’s role as a trusted advisor in the beauty market.