Design and Activation

We translate data into captivating narratives, video and visuals that bring insights to life in a way that people can see, feel and understand.

In our VF Design Studio, our designers and editors continuously innovate new ways to bring research to life. Examples of our work include documentary film, interactive documents, infographics, posters, and digital assets.


We also believe that a single presentation cannot be the end of a project. The ‘afterlife’ of research is equally important – do these ideas live beyond the presentation? Do they carry on into the organization as a whole? At Vital Findings, we specialize in the activation of insights. From socialization techniques to in-person workshops and ideation sessions, we partner with brands to bridge the gap between knowledge and action, ensuring that wider organizations not only understand their market but are moved to engage with it in meaningful ways.

Workshops and Spark Sessions
Bring internal teams together for an expertly moderated workshop. Part immersion, part ideation, our workshops engage stakeholders and inspire new ideas that drive your brand forward.

We create multi-dimensional installation showpieces, uniquely designed to tangibly illustrate a customer persona. Through the physical design elements of an installation, stakeholders from product designers, marketing and brand teams are able to quickly internalize the essence of who the customer is.

Segment Close-Up
Meet the real people behind your segments using our unique “archetype” recruiting process, uncover their stories, and develop lasting personas. Where a real life opportunity is not practical, we draw on generative AI tools to create assets, ideas and even synthetic personas that can help maintain the momentum of any segmentation.